New—Land and its sub-label, Bad Land, are Scandinavian production companies with offices in Stockholm, Copenhagen, and London. Since their founding in 2014, they have represented a diverse roster of talented directors and photographers from around the world. The company has produced commercials for numerous renowned brands including SAS, SEB, Ving, Volkswagen, H&M, Ikea, Volvo, Carlsberg, TDC, Toyota, Danske Bank, Levi's, Velux, Coca Cola, Ford, Telenor, and Norwegian Airlines. They take pride in having returning clients from various parts of the globe.
Over the years, new—land has earned recognition and acclaim through numerous prestigious awards. They have been honored with accolades such as the EUROBEST Golden Palm Production Company of the Year in 2020 and 2021. Their work has been recognized at renowned industry events including EUROBEST, SHOTS, EPICA, D&AD, Cannes Lions, TRUE Awards, CLIOS, CICLOPE, DJ MAG, and ROY AWARDS. Their achievements include multiple gold, silver, and bronze awards across different categories such as production, advertising, music videos, and more.
Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newland.tv/
Website: https://newland.tv/
Erik Torell, Executive Producer, Stockholm: erik@newland.tv
Thor Brammer Jacobsen, Executive Producer & MD, Copenhagen: thor@newland.tv
Trine Pillay, Executive Producer & MD, London-Amsterdam: trine@newland.tv