Based in Germany
Marjoreith holds the esteemed position of Executive Creative Director at HeimatTBWA.
Notably, Marjoreith has been selected as a jury member for the Cannes Lions 2023 Print and Publishing category, showcasing her expertise in the field. Additionally, she has been appointed as the President of the Design and Packaging Design Jury for the London International Awards. In 2023, Marjoreith will be part of the Young Lions Germany Jury, further highlighting her influence and recognition within the industry. Furthermore, she serves as the President of the Sektion NRW at ADC, solidifying her leadership role.
Marjoreith's impressive contributions extend beyond these specific roles, as she has actively participated in esteemed events such as the Cannes Lions International Festival, London International Award, and New York Festival, earning her recognition on both the international and national levels.
Social media handle:
Instagram - marjorieth
Linkedin - Marjorieth Sanmartin