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Internet's Advertising Awards

The IAC Awards provides an opportunity to highlight your best online advertising in 86 industries and 9 online formats including, online ad, video, mobile, newsletter, email and social media. According to, digital advertising reached more than $616 billion (USD) in 2022. As spending increases, creative agencies need ways to objectively demonstrate to advertisers their ability to create outstanding online marketing materials. Winning awards is one excellent way to accomplish this.

The Web Marketing Association (WMA) was founded in Boston in 1997 to help set a high standard for Internet marketing and corporate web development on the World Wide Web. Staffed by volunteers, this organization is made up of Internet marketing, advertising, PR and design professionals who share an interest for improving the quality of advertising, marketing and promotion used to attract visitors to corporate Web sites.

In 1999, the Web Marketing Association created a new award program to recognize outstanding online advertising in all of its various forms. While many advertising award shows had a category for online, no program was dedicated to it. U

sing the experiences from its highly successful WebAward competition for website development, the WMA created an award program where companies and individuals could enter their best work to be judged against other work in its own industry. The IAC Awards were born.

General Eligibility/Rules:

The Internet Advertising Competition is open to all organizations and individuals involved in the process of developing all forms on Internet advertising. Ads eligible for entry must have run at some time during the period from January 1, 2022 until January 31, 2023.

The person submitting the entry will be considered the "nominator" and will receive all communications regarding the Awards and will be the only person allowed to make changes to the entry data once it is submitted. You do not have to be a member of the Web Marketing Association (WMA) to enter the Internet Advertising Competition Awards.


* Advertising * Advocacy * Airline * Application Service Provider * Arts * Associations * Auction * Automobile * B2B * Bank * Beverage * Biotechnology * Broadcasting * Brokerage * Catalog * Computer: Hardware * Computer: Retailer * Computer: Software * Cooking and Recipe * Construction * Consulting * Consumer Goods * Cooking and Recipe * Credit Union * Design * Directory or Search Engine * Diversified Business * Education * Email * Employment * Energy * Entertainment * Environmental * Events * E-Zine * Faith-based * Family * Financial Services * Food Industry * Game Site * General Interest * Government * Health Care * Home Building * Hotel and Lodging * Information Services * Institutional Services * Insurance * Interactive Services * International Business * Internet Service Provider * Intranet * Investor Relations * Investment * Legal * Leisure * LGBT * Magazine * Marketing * Manufacturing * Media * Medical * Military * Mobile * Movie * Music * Mutual Fund * News * Newspaper * Non-Profit * Online Community * Other * Pharmaceuticals * Portal * Professional Services * Public Relations * Publishing * Radio * Real Estate * Regional * Restaurant * Retail * School * Shopping * Small Business * Sports * Telecommunication * Toy & Hobby * Transportation * Travel * University


The fees for the 2023 Internet Advertising Competition Awards are $250 for single entries and $275 for campaign, websites and interactive applications categories. The non-profit industry category will receive a reduced entry fee of $199 for all entries.

*Please note that the list provided is not comprehensive and may not include all relevant details about the event. For complete and up-to-date information, we encourage you to visit the official website*

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