British Arrows has been championing, awarding and celebrating the innovation, bravery and artistry of moving image advertising. In that time technology and media have changed beyond all recognition but the essential aspects of craft have remained constant. Talent, dedication, innovation, and professionalism have never gone out of fashion and it is these skills that we will focus on, honour and support throughout the year.
Established in 1976, the British Arrows is the most respected and coveted of all the British advertising awards and the pinnacle of advertising achievement
Website: https://www.britisharrows.com/
Alcohol Drinks
Branded Entertainment
Charity & Public Service
Digital Services, Electronics, Computer Games & Toys,
Entertainment & Sport Promotions
Fashion & Apparel
Financial & Corporate Services
Food & Non-Alcoholic Drinks
Household Goods
Innovative & Immersive Experiences
Integrated Campaign
International The Non-British Arrow
Transport & Tourism
Best up to 30 Second Commercial
Best Over 30 and Up To & Including 60 Second Commercial
Best Over 60 Second Commercial
CAMPAIGNS: Sponsorship Campaign; UK Campaign The John Webster Award
CRAFT CATEGORIES: Agency; Production; Post-Production, Audio
THE IMPACT AWARDS - The Inclusion Impact Award; The Sustainable Impact Award; The Social Impact Award
The Young Arrow Awards
General Eligibility/Rules:
Content previously entered into the British Arrows, in any form, is not eligible.
Only the aired or published version is eligible. Director's cuts and trailers for television programmes (which contain actual programming material) are NOT eligible.
Music videos are only accepted in the Arrows Music Video category and will be rejected in all other categories.
All linear content entered must have been approved for broadcast where necessary by governing bodies such as Clearcast or BBFC.
Legal subtitles needed for broadcast approval cannot be removed from the content entered into the awards. In the event of a dispute, you might be asked to show evidence of approval documentation. Where regulatory bodies have requested changes to be made to any content - either prior to or after transmission
only the amended version may be entered. Any version which has been precluded or excluded from transmission by a regulatory body is thereafter considered ineligible.
British Arrows does not stipulate a minimum number of paid for placements for an entry to become acceptable but the jury may ask for written proof of the media schedule.
All final eligibility decisions rest with the jury and no discussions around their decisions will be entered into with any entrant.
ARROWS SPECIFIC RULES & ELIGIBILITY Entries for ARROWS categories (excluding the International category) are eligible under the following criteria: » The content was aired/published to a UK audience using paid-for media. » The content was aired/published for the first time during the specified eligibility period » Either the advertising agency or production company are headquartered in the UK, or have UK-based offices from which this particular content was made. Entries for the International category are eligible under the following criteria: » The content was aired/published internationally only using paid-for media (i.e. never shown in the UK). » The content was aired/published for the first time during the specified eligibility period
Tentative Schedule: October - January
Fee(s): £17- £575
*Please note that the list provided is not comprehensive and may not include all relevant details about the event. For complete and up-to-date information, we encourage you to visit the official website*